Thursday, October 23, 2008

Iman's Birthday

Iman's mommy ordered a lot of cuppies...penat nyer ....i da malas la buat kek nii...penat kat ofis apa tau...boring wat sorang sorang nii....Aqil suka kacau masa tgh sibuk pump buttercream...nak dukong la..nak susu la...mcm2 la...ada sekali tu dia cucuk seme cup cakes yg I tengah sejukkan...angin nyer...but what can I say....anak IBU busyukk...busyuk....

OK back to cake...there is a mix of butter and chocolate cake ordered by Iman's mommy....Her theme is rainbow colour....and she allowed me to decorate ikut suka hati....erm itu I suke i mmg tgh inila hasil org malas...

La nii trend la org nak wat cuppies jer and one small cake which is larger than the cuppies....for candle blowing session...once done pass the small cuppies need to cut and there no need for plate or spoon... maknanya x yah la basuh pinggan byk...kan senang koje..

Eh salah lak...cuppies nii saje2 buat utk mkn- mkn kat ofis ari nii...da lama x jamu kwn2...( ala kwn2 ofis biasanya jadi I punya bahan experiment aka tukang rasa dan tukang komen)

Yang nii baru Iman's punya....

Happy Birthday Iman....(ucapan dari Mr Clown)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Niesa Turn 3

After 1 month resting, I started take order last week. Actually I'm still lazy but this was a special request from my very old friend...Huzaimah. Since she ordered the mini cuppies...than ok la...

Sorry Huzai, I x sempat nak g umah u......hujan lebat sgt ...anak2 pun tido....hope u like the cakes..

Not much activities this week, g open house....balik umah , lepak...tido...hehehhe...ujan giler ...nak tido x lena sgt sb baby busy main...kene perhatikan dia sebelum kene buli ngan abang2 dia...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hari Raya 2008

I think it is not that late to wish Selamat Hari Raya. This year i forgot to snap our photo on the 1st day raya as I'm too busy with baking and cooking. End up Hari Raya penat...lembik mcm Sotong..haaa...sotong!!!!!

Our colour theme this year is Maroon and Aqil can wear baju melayu this year....Here is some of the pics during my open house on 12 October 2008. Photo taken from Madiha's phone. X sempat pun nak amik gambo org yg datang...

Menu for that day was Nasi Beriani, Ayam Masak Merah, Daging Rendang, Kari Daging and Acar Nenas. Nasi himpit pun ada ...makan ngan kuah kacang dan kuah lodeh...erm...sorry yer klu ada org yg saya terlupa nak jemput...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ramadhan 2008

It's been quite sometime I did not update my blog....well...lazy, and too busy... The whole of Ramadhan my schedule was so damn tight ...Everyday I tried to cook the best dish for berbuka...nak motivate my son to posa laa.

On the 3rd Ramadhan, I went to Bandung for Hari Raya giler...all the branded clothes was so damn cheap....hehehehe....gila kan...bulan posa g melancong...X banyak gambo yg I amik sb busy shopping....yg pakai baju putih (the only guy tu was our SUPIR) GANTENG BANGAT....COWOK SAMA CEWEK di sana seme cantik2.. Despite with the politics, economics
and nature disasters in Indonesia, I can say that it was a nice country and people there are 100 x friendly than our Malaysian.....

Here is some pics I took...check out the HUMMER.....our Supir's said its owned by the Head of District a lot money haa...but one thing that make me feel so touched when I saw a small boy around my son age, walking around the road selling "Batu Lesung"( not sure what we call it in english ) . That thing was heavy and he carried it around. I keep telling this to my son on how lucky he was to be my son and Malaysian....Whatever we do in life...Bersyukurla dengan apa yg kita ada....

Masa g Bandung, 3 hari my husband kene prepare berbuka and sahur for my son and himself....Sorry, Darling ...Mummy need a break...hahahahha...

At night busy pulak jahit tempahan langsir...ramai org la nak pakai langsir baru Hari Raya nii.. Here is some pics that I manage to download...will update more once I go Hari Raya at their house....hehehehhe.