Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lady of Bugs

Nor Sabrina is celebrating her 5th birthday today. Auntie Chomel was so kind and want to celebrate her birthday in school today. She asked me what character cartoons that I know to draw??? .....hahahahaa...mana I tau...end she gave me Ladybird pics to draw on the cuppies.

Try and error last night....Alhamdullilah the cuppies look likes a Ladybird....pheww...lega...but i x puas hati sgt ngan doll on the cakes tuu...mcm x kemas...nanti i practise lagi...Lihatla hasil kerja I mlm tadi...Around 12 midnight...settle seme...huhuhuhu..ngantuk nyer skrg nii...

What a lucky girl, surrounded by a lots of KUMBENG....hehehehhe

Hahahaha...ada kumbang yg mata sepet, senget...dan ada gak yg juling....wakakakakaa...jgn marah yer Chomel....hope u like the cakes...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Iman's Birthday

Iman's mommy ordered a lot of cuppies...penat nyer ....i da malas la buat kek nii...penat kat ofis apa tau...boring wat sorang sorang nii....Aqil suka kacau masa tgh sibuk pump buttercream...nak dukong la..nak susu la...mcm2 la...ada sekali tu dia cucuk seme cup cakes yg I tengah sejukkan...angin nyer...but what can I say....anak IBU busyukk...busyuk....

OK back to cake...there is a mix of butter and chocolate cake ordered by Iman's mommy....Her theme is rainbow colour....and she allowed me to decorate ikut suka hati....erm itu I suke i mmg tgh inila hasil org malas...

La nii trend la org nak wat cuppies jer and one small cake which is larger than the cuppies....for candle blowing session...once done pass the small cuppies need to cut and there no need for plate or spoon... maknanya x yah la basuh pinggan byk...kan senang koje..

Eh salah lak...cuppies nii saje2 buat utk mkn- mkn kat ofis ari nii...da lama x jamu kwn2...( ala kwn2 ofis biasanya jadi I punya bahan experiment aka tukang rasa dan tukang komen)

Yang nii baru Iman's punya....

Happy Birthday Iman....(ucapan dari Mr Clown)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Niesa Turn 3

After 1 month resting, I started take order last week. Actually I'm still lazy but this was a special request from my very old friend...Huzaimah. Since she ordered the mini cuppies...than ok la...

Sorry Huzai, I x sempat nak g umah u......hujan lebat sgt ...anak2 pun tido....hope u like the cakes..

Not much activities this week, g open house....balik umah , lepak...tido...hehehhe...ujan giler ...nak tido x lena sgt sb baby busy main...kene perhatikan dia sebelum kene buli ngan abang2 dia...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hari Raya 2008

I think it is not that late to wish Selamat Hari Raya. This year i forgot to snap our photo on the 1st day raya as I'm too busy with baking and cooking. End up Hari Raya penat...lembik mcm Sotong..haaa...sotong!!!!!

Our colour theme this year is Maroon and Aqil can wear baju melayu this year....Here is some of the pics during my open house on 12 October 2008. Photo taken from Madiha's phone. X sempat pun nak amik gambo org yg datang...

Menu for that day was Nasi Beriani, Ayam Masak Merah, Daging Rendang, Kari Daging and Acar Nenas. Nasi himpit pun ada ...makan ngan kuah kacang dan kuah lodeh...erm...sorry yer klu ada org yg saya terlupa nak jemput...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ramadhan 2008

It's been quite sometime I did not update my blog....well...lazy, and too busy... The whole of Ramadhan my schedule was so damn tight ...Everyday I tried to cook the best dish for berbuka...nak motivate my son to posa laa.

On the 3rd Ramadhan, I went to Bandung for Hari Raya giler...all the branded clothes was so damn cheap....hehehehe....gila kan...bulan posa g melancong...X banyak gambo yg I amik sb busy shopping....yg pakai baju putih (the only guy tu was our SUPIR) GANTENG BANGAT....COWOK SAMA CEWEK di sana seme cantik2.. Despite with the politics, economics
and nature disasters in Indonesia, I can say that it was a nice country and people there are 100 x friendly than our Malaysian.....

Here is some pics I took...check out the HUMMER.....our Supir's said its owned by the Head of District a lot money haa...but one thing that make me feel so touched when I saw a small boy around my son age, walking around the road selling "Batu Lesung"( not sure what we call it in english ) . That thing was heavy and he carried it around. I keep telling this to my son on how lucky he was to be my son and Malaysian....Whatever we do in life...Bersyukurla dengan apa yg kita ada....

Masa g Bandung, 3 hari my husband kene prepare berbuka and sahur for my son and himself....Sorry, Darling ...Mummy need a break...hahahahha...

At night busy pulak jahit tempahan langsir...ramai org la nak pakai langsir baru Hari Raya nii.. Here is some pics that I manage to download...will update more once I go Hari Raya at their house....hehehehhe.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Luv U Cik Ma

Today, I decided to dedicate this blog to my very dearest friend.....Nik Z......aka Cik Ma...she been complaining that I did not mentioned her name in my blog....hahahahahah as if this blog got a lots people to read.....kuang kuang kuang

Who is CM....she is a friend that always there for me .........she shared my worries, happiness and the very important thing is she always there when I need her for shoulder to cry on.

Even there is ups and downs in our relation but the feeling towards each other never change....we care about each other just that we don't really put it in words....

Last May she celebrated her XXth Birthday tut tut tut..kene censored....quite a number laa....I bake her cuppies and decorated with ntah apa2...ikut creativiti dan mood ...sila lihat gambo di bawah.....

Tapikan ...gambo kek bawah nii...da tak ingat wat utk saper....hehehehhe....I have to admitt that I'm getting older as I easily forget things......Byk benda la nak pikir....This coming Sunday, Insyallah I akan wat small kenduri baca Yassin and celebrate my baby yg akan turn 2 years old on 28/8/2008. Menjelang nak posa ni wat sekali la kenduri doa selamat...x jemput ramai org sb umah kecik sgt dan mmg nak panggil org baca Yassin dan neighbour dekat dekat jer...

Alamak ...dah tersasar dari topik asal...kuang kuang kuang....Before I end this writing...I LUV u CM.....(bukan lesbian yer).....

Monday, August 11, 2008

Strawberry's for Sarah

Masa nak wat kek nii kan siap amik cuti beb....poyo poyo gitu..maklum la nak kene draw strawberri...setau mak kiah la kan....masa sekolah dulu bab2 melukis nii fail...tapi minat nii dtg bila menjelang usia da byk la plak....

Mcm I selalu ckp la...klu mcm nii la semangat kental, waja, berusaha gigih mcm ni ...bukan jer bole jadi professor...bole jadi cikgu kat professor sekali...wakkakakakakakaka...

Tema Mama Sarah ialah strawberri, jadi buat la gambo strawberri...heheheh...tapi ada la mix ngan gambo2 lain...

Mama Sarah ordered quite a lot, tapi x ingat la berapa...

She ordered this for the party pack to give away to her school friend.....

Amani's Birthday

Mcm biasa la x ingat bila buat kek nii...just to update in blog for my collections. Arina ordered this for Amani's Birthday. Her sister love green and she asked me to bake Choc Cake with green icing combined with chocolate ganache.

This is butter cup cakes that Arina also ordered for her to makan2 . Actually she ordered a lot from me but knowing me...... forgot hehehehhe.....

Buzzy Weekend

Today, I came to work I really look like a zombie.....sleepy and so tired.....ingat nak amik jer cuti tapi teringat payroll da nak kene start for Aug ....gagahkan jua...and I already promise to Madihah that I will prepare morning and tea break refreshment for her training classes. Last minute last night, wat kuih lepat pisang...hahahaha...nasib baik jumpa pisang ....tapi x ranum lagi...buat jer la...pukul 11.00 camtu siap dah and sambung balik menjahit tempahan langsir...

Part yg buat I puas hati sgt ialah bila I berjaya siapkan tempahan langsir walaupun, Jumaat dan Sabtu tido lambat ...stay up sampai kul 3 nak siapkan....kalahkan masa sekolah dulu...x do pon den stay up sampai pagi baca buku...klu camnii sure skrg ni dah jadi professor...x yah buat part time nak cari duit lebih...hehehehehhe...

Alhamdullilah siap, dah bawak balik Penang da langsir tu...moga2 cantik bila digantung nanti...nak cepat sgt ...I x sempat amik gambo langsir tu sb x tau camner gaya nak amik klu tak hang langsir tuuu..

Wah...nak dekat posa nii byk btul design langsir baru katNagoya..ala2 Laura Ashley pun ado...sediakan duit jerla...dlm sibuk jahit langsir sempat gak g window shopping smlm ngan my very old and antique best fren...(jgn mare babe..mmg lama pun kita dah kwn...tunggu jer nak kira value antik dia jer)

As usual, we will go crazy when choosing the langsir....and make the promoter feel like want to cuts us into la you girl....layan kitaorg...Anyway for viewing I downloaded pic of the dessert that I made for Madihah training classes....

Friday, August 8, 2008

Cake for Alif & Arif

Birthday Choc Cake for cute twin, Alif & Arif.....Masa nii rajin giler wat kek...tiap2 hari ada projek...sungguh2 buat...tapi la nii mcm da lemau sikit...angin menjahit plak yg datang...nanti saya update gambo langsir lak yer...
Kek nii utk B'day party kat kindergarten...tu yg sebaris kek ada kat situ...tapi saya buat yang paling hujung la...yg ada clown dodok manja gitu sambil pegang belon...Bukan nak perasan la..tapi perati mata2 seme budak kat situ...seme mcm pandang kek yg ada clown jer kan ? kan? kan? wakakakakakka...
Saya suka gak menjahit tapi saya x minat jahit baju, saya suka jahit utk di pakai oleh benda yg tak bernyawa jer....SEBAB...dia x de mulut dan otak , jadi klu x cantik ker, tak selesa ker...dia x reti komen...hahahahahaha...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Shayna and Lily...uhhh...dap... ahhhh

Actually, I can't remember when was the actual date we did this baking two lovely sister who is so kaypoh want to learn baking cakes....they did not turn up on time...the other one who stayed in Shah Alam was late due to nak jumpa cik abang dulu...ermmm...menyampah (sb my time da passed)....yg lagi sorang tu stayed in Kayu Ara and on her way to my house I pesan beli cheese cream....pun dua kali lima gak...dtg lambat...end up we started quite late and baby started cranky coz dia lawan mata x nak tido...
Huru hara sessi baking kitaorg sb diselangseli dengan jeritan dan tangisan...since da plan we proceed gak....yg I bengang tu ...dua ekok nii...bukan nya concentrate belajar masa I dok ajar wat adunan...depa busy sms boifren...menyampah...masa zaman I cinta dulu H/P usage x la heavy cam skrg kaya jer bole beli h/p...abis2 pun gayut pakai line phone umah (TMB) atau paling sengkek public phone la...(erm terkenang zaman dulu...berebut nak guna phone)
Back to our baking stories, da abis adun seme gitu bagai...minah dua org nii g sambung tido ...sorang tido kat sofa...sorang lagi hilang...cari2 ropernye dok landing baik kat bilik I...siap gayut phone lagi...ishhh...nak kena budak2 nii...
The best part was when we started decorating...they're so excited and back to live again...mcm2 ruper nak buat dan tulis..klu bole seme warna nak conteng kat kek tu...
It was a very hectic day but we end up the day with a big laugh and big tummy......
Love you girls.....

Engagement Gift

When I got this order I was so confused and full with negative thought in mind. Ingat nak suh jer oder dari kedai kek jer....tapi tunangnyer nak jugak saya buat....mmg takut dan x confident langsung.....It takes few days gak la before saya kata ok kat kwn nii....

Hari-hari masuk web dok pikir camner roper nyer nak wat...actually kejadian nii baru berlaku masa bulan Jun ari tu . Saya kan baru pandai wat blog... tula baru nak update satu-satu...

Ini la hasilnye....wakakakakakaka....saya rasa x lawa...x puashati ...tapi dorang kata cantik...erm...korang nilai sendiri la...ok la x le nak tulis lagi sb ofis nii nak down kan internet......

Choo Choo Train

Haaa...ini la project saya yang agak mencabar dan x berapa menbanggakan sangat la....Saya rasa there's a lot to improve and I will ....Ini azam saya (konon la ...poyo gitu...) ....Shaz, if you see this...just want to say Thank you for the encouragements, support and nak nangis la plak...
OK back to the projects.....neighbour kat umah oder kek ...katanya nak design yg lain dari org lain....yg pasti katanya...x de org la yg kat umah pernah wat...hahahha...mcm la saya tau org kat sana oder kek B'day camner ropenyer....
Apa-apapun main bantai ajerla...janji ruper cam train bawak muatan berat....ini kek perisa coklat (American Moist Choc Cake)....seberat 2kg....last minute beli barang2 hias atas kek kat Jusco...jadi rambang mata beli junk food nii...seme nak beli ....gerabak nyer x la byk sgt....
Anyway....Happy Birthday Mursyid...